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HOAREA melanantha.
Black-Jlowered Hoarea.
H. melanantha, umbella composita, scapo folioso, foliis
onvataitfiisd itsrqifuied ish itseprnidaitsi;s ves eginmteegnrtiiss poinbnloantigfiisd iso bbtiupsiins-,
petalis crispis; superioribus ex apice sese decussan-
Hoarea melanantha. Nob. in Colt). Catal. p. 21. col. 2.
Pelargonium melananthon. Jacq.ic. 3. t. 514. Willden.
sp. pl. 3. p. 648. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. vol. 4. p. 164.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 227, non Andrewsii.
Root tuberous, fusiform, scaly. Stem none. Leaves
crowning the root in a radiate form, of a dark green
coovlaoteu,r , ovtehreyr sv atrriiafibdl e,o rt htee rlnoawtee,r poinnensa tsifimidp loer, wneidaerllyy
bipinnatifid, all thickly covered with rigid hairs, as is
every other part of the plant except the corolla; segments
oblong, obtuse, generally entire but sometimes
toothed or deeply divided, with fringed margins.
pPeerti osildees satnifdf, cwonidveelxy ofnla tttheen elodw aenrd. fuSrtriopwuleeds osun btuhlea tueply
linear, membranaceous, joined to the base of the
petiole. Scape springing from the crown of the root,
ldeuanfcyl,e sa ntdh icpkr odauncdi nrgig sidev, ecrayll iunmdrbicealsl. of Ufmlobweelsr s.m aPnye
flowered. Involucre of several linearly subulate bractes,
which are entire or rarely toothed. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
linearly lanceolate with membranaceous margins
; the upper one erect, the others reflexed. Nectarsiifdeerso.
us Ptuebtae lss l5ig, httlhye c2u rvuepdp earnmdo sft laltatennceedo laotne , bootbh-
VOL. i.