Cluster-leaved Stork’ s-bill.
P. monstrum, pedunculis capitatis multifloris,biculato-reniformibus obsolete lobatis sfoulbiizso onrabtiis-
complicatis crispis.
Pelargonium monstrum. IVilld. sp. pi. 3. p. 668. Hort.
Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 172. Pers. syn. vol. 2. p. 231.
L'Herit. ger. n. 63.
Stem shrubby, thick, and irregularly swollen, rather
succulent, and producing many short thick slightly pubescent
branches, crowded with leaves. Leaves of a
rwoiuthn da k iddanreky csihracplee,, sdliagrhkt lgyr eleonb eadn;d loobbsecs urdeelnyt amtea rkanedd
ccouvrleerde da tw tihteh mhaairrgsi.n s, Psetrtoionlgesly lnoenrgveerd ;t hnaenr veths et hlienalfy,
twhiitchk ,s hcohratn nroeullgehd hoani rst.h e Sutpippuelre ss idceo,r dtahtiec,k lsyu bcdoevnetraetde
wPeitdhu nacnle sa chuidte apmooinntg, sst oothne wleitahveersi ngo r a'rnadre lfyal licnogm ionffg.
above them, very stiff, swollen at the base, a little
flattened on the upper side, and covered with very
stoh o1r5t orirg mido rhea. irsI.n voFlulocrwee rosf i6n oar mcloorsee bhreaacdte, sf, roomva t5e
ending in an acute point, soon withering and falling
off. Calyx.5-cleft, segments unequal, lanceolate, covered
with stiff hairs. Nectariferous tube sessile, variaspbalet
uilna tele npgethta lasn, d tshwe oll2e n uaptp tehrme obsats e.n arrCoowroelslta oafn d5
sdhaorkrteers tv, einasll. ofF iala mbernigtsh t1 0r ousnei tecdo laotu trh em baarksee,d shwoirtth,
erect, 7 only bearing anthers, the 2 back ones much
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