PELARGONIUM echinatum.
Prickly-stalked Stork s-bill.
\ echinatum, umbellis multifloris pamculatis, folus
cordatis leviter quinquelobis crenatis subtus tomen-
tosis, caule crasso carnoso, stipulis subulatis per-
sistentibus spinescentibus hamato-recurvis.
Pelargonium echinatum. milden,Botan. magaz. 309. Pers. syn . s2p.. pjg. -2Ä32 .P - H^ o7r5t‘.
Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 176.
Pelargonium hamatum. Jacq. hört, schcenb. 2. p. 7. t.
Geranium echinatum. Andrews's geran. n. 2.
Root fleshy, producing tubers at various distances.
Stem shrubby, succulent, of a shining brown
colour, covered all over with persistent recurved spiny
scteimnti les.L eaBvreasn cchoersd aotfe ,a sfhroinmin g3 gtroe e5n-, losbliegdh,t lyc rpeunbaetse,
tgormeeenn taonsed puunbdeesrcneenatt h,o n3 -tnheer vuepdp eart sitdhee, baansde , dewnhseiclyh
aflfatettrewnaerdd so nb rtahnec uhp pine r aslild de iraencdti oronus.n deJd Won eth es lliogwhtelry, tshuibcukllayt ec,o vweirdeedn wedi tha vt etrhye s hboarst er,e cruemrvaeidn ihnagi rsp. erSstiisptuelnets,
acnurdv hedar dpeoninintsg. inPtoe dau knicnleds opf asnpiicnlee,d ,w vitehr yh olooknegd coyr lriendrical
thickened at the base, thickly clothed with
fslhoowretr’erde fulemxbedel sh. airIsn,v oaluncdr e boefa rminagn yn ubmraecrtoeus;s bmraacntye-s
oblong or lanceolate, taper-pointed, hairy and ciliate.
Calyx 5-cleft, upper segment erect, lanceolate, concave,
obtuse, and beardpe d2 at the point, the others