The Marchioness of Bath!s Stork s-hill.
P. Thynnece, pedunculis plurifloris,formibus trilobis planis rigidis gfloalbiirsi uosbclualtiiss; rloenbiis-
obtusissimis insequaliter dentatis, stipulis oblato-
cordatis acuminatis ciliatis, tubo nectarifero calyce
Pelargonium Bathonise. Hoare MSS.
Stem shrubby, much branched, and clothed with a
smooth shining brown bark. Branches short and
crowded, a little swollen at the base, thickly covered
with soft unequal hairs, as are the petioles, peduncles,
and calyx. Leaves flat, wider than long, kidneyshaped,
three-lobed, rigid, smoothish and shining,
tshidine,l ya cnodv eprreodm winitehn tslhy onret rhvaeidr so, nf uthrreo wloewde or;n ltohbee su pvpeeryr
blunt, unequally toothed with blunt rounded teeth,
slightly fringed. Petioles a little longer than the leaf,
flattened and furrowed on the upper side, and convex
on the lower; a little swollen at the base of the leaf.
iSnti pau slehsa rwp ipdoeirn tth. anP eldounngc,l ecso sredvaetrea,l -cflioliwateer,e da.n dIn veonlduicnrge
generally of 6 bractes; bractes widely ovate, concave,
fproiningte. d, Pbelduicnlteiss hb ebnut tu pewnadridnsg, sahborurtpetrl yth ainn thane naeccuttae
riferous tube. Calyx of 5 widely lanceolate acute segments
; segments reflexed when the flower is expanded.
Nectariferous tube a little longer than the calyx, widely
flattened and furrowed on each side, gibbous at the
base. Petals 5, the 2 uppermost roundly ovate, of a
rose colour, with a bright ur ed2 spot in the centre, which
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