GERANIUM argenteum.
Silvery-leaved Crane’ s-bilL
G. argenteum, subcaulescens,septempartitis utrinque se rpiceedou-ntocmuleisn tboisfilso:r isla, cfionliiiiss
lineari-lanceolatis trifidis, petalis emarginatis.
Gersaynniu. m2 . arpg. e2n3te6u. m.H Woritl.l dKene.w s. p.epdl.. 32.. pv.. 740.7 .p . P1e8r8s..
Botan. magaz. 504. Cav. diss. 4. p. 205. t. 77. f . 3.
clotShteedm ws itvhe rtyh e sbhroorwt, n gpreorwsisintegn t inst ipcululesste. rs,L eathviecsk 7ly-
spiadretse dw, itnhe aar lcylo steo sitlhkey btoamsee, ntthuimck, lyo f cao vsehriendi ngo ns ilbvoetrhy appearance: segments linear or more generally lanceolbaatcek,
obnleusn toifsthe,n smimopstlley antrdif iedn, tiroer. 3-Ptoetoitohleesd ,n etahrely tcwyo
lindrical, clothed with a close silky down. Stipules
jloainnceedo ltaot et,h et abpaeser- poof inthteed p, eticoolnec, aavte ,l asmt etumrbnriannga cberoowusn,
and remaining persistent. Flower-stalks branched,
oclro tlhineeda rw istehg lmeaevnetss. 3 Ptoe d5u-ncclelefts, 2w-filtohw eenretidr.e laInnvcoeloulcartee
of 4 or 5 unequal sharply acuminate fringed bractes.
Phaeidrisc.l esS ecpyalilnsd 5ri, caolv, atthe icokr lyw icdleolyth eladn cweiotlha tesh, ocrot ncsailvkey,
thickly clothed with soft hairs. Petals 5, broadly ob-
coof rdaa tde,a rokfe ra bcloulsohu rc,o lwouhri,c ehl ebgraanntclyh vieni neadll wdiitrhe csttrioipness.
pFeilrafemcet ntasn 1th0e, rssl. ighPtloyl luenn itepda lea ty ethlleo wb.a se,G aelrlm bene arainndg
arista; thickly clothed with silky down. Stigtnas 5,