roundly obovate, of a blush colour, with a large bright
crimson spot in the centre on a red ground, that joins
a few purple and red lines which lower petals obovate of rather a blirgahntcehr fcroolmou trh. e bPaislae:
omfe an tlsi g\Qht, ournaintegde acot ltohuer .b asGe,e r7m beena vriinllgo uasn. thSertys.l e Phoalilreyn, flesh-coloured. Stigmas 5, red, reflexed.
a finOeu srp edcriamweinn gc oomf tmhiusn biceaatuetdif ubly pSliarn Rt .w Ca.s Htaokaerne, fwrohmo
informs us that he thinks it the handsomest plant he
cultivates amongst all this numerous family; we have
itth etore fboer eo fn haymberdid i ot riing icno, mapnldim seunspt etoc t hoimne. ofW itse pbaerleienvtes
ttoum b, e oPr . sloamncee oolanteu mv,e rtyh e noeathr eri tm: iwghe t hbaev eP . ptheinsi cyilelaar-
raised several mules from P. lanceolatum which had
kbienedns , imanpdre wgen ahtaevde wneivthe r tsheee n paonlyle vna ryo fs os mevuercahl ; ontohneer
towf ot haetm a lla areli kteh.e least like the original, and scarcely
diffiSciurl tR tioc hinacrdre ainsfeo brmy sc uust titnhgast ,h eb efiinngd s otfh isso phlaarndt vaenrdy
rigid a nature that they take a long time to make
broyo ttask; inwge ohfaf vvee rysu ycoceuendge dsh oino tsst rainkdin pgl asnotmineg vtehreym w inel la,
mixture of loam, peat, and sand, but they take a
tlhornigvee ri nti ma em tiox truoroet otfh taunr fmy olosta mot haenrd k ipnedast., aTnhde ap llaitntltes sand mixed with it to keep it open.