Bushy Stork’s-bill.
P. dumosum, pedunculis 2-3-floi‘is foliis renifoi mibus
leviter trilobis obtusis dentatis pubescentibus, pc-
dunculis fructiferis geniculatis.
Geranium Angelina. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, very much branched; branches short
and thickly crowded together, covered with soft close
villi. Leaves small, numerous, reniform and obtuse,
some slightly 3-lobed; edge undulate,ciliate; underneath thickly covere du nweqituha llsyo ftto ohthaierds,. Petioles unequal flattened and channelled on the upper
sPieddeu, nvcillelos u2s-.3 -flSotwipeureleds, vsihlloorut,s . coIrndvaotleu,c raec uotfe 4, ufrnineqgueda.l
bractes, which are cordate, acute, and ciliate. Pedicles
a little longer than the nectariferous tube, when in fiuit
bending at the joints, thickly covered with soft villous
hairs. Calyx 5-cleft, segments all reflexed when in
flower, but upright when in seed. Nectariferous tube
lsoidnegse, r tvhilalno utsh. e caCloyrxo, llfala totef n5e dp aentadls c, htahnen e2l leudp poeni mbootsht broadly obovate, obtuse, rose-coloured, with a very
dwahrikc h snpuomt eirno uths es hcoernt tlrien,e sl igarhet essete na tt ot hbera nscidhe si,n vfraormi
oau psa led irreocseti ocnoslo; ur3. loFwilearm penettsa ls1 0s, puatnuiltaetde ,a to bthtues eb,a soe,f
only seven bearing anthers. Pollen yellow. Style dark
red, hairy at the base, and smooth on the upper part.
Stigmas 5, dark red, revolute. Seeds pubescent.
Arillus very hairy.