PELAE-GONIUM obtusilobum.
Blunt-lohed Stork’s-hill.
p. obtusilobum, pedunculis paucifloris,trilobis: lobis rotundato-obtusis ins efqoluiiasl itperro faucnudtee
dentatis, venis subtus calycibusque scabriusculis,
stipulis cordatis dentatis.
Pelargonium obtusilobum. Willd. enum. 2. p. 711.
Hort. sub. lond. p. 152. n. 154.
Pelargonium tricuspidatum ; rubrum. Hortulanorum.
non verb L’ Heritieri.
Stem shrubby, branching, seldom exceeding 18
inches in height; branches short, thickly clothed with
lweaevdegse, -sshliagphetdly, doobwtunsye.; siLdeea voense sd deievpalryi c3a-telo, buende: qluoablelys
banroda°dalcyu wteeldyg et-osohtahpeedd;, amcuidtedllye tooonthe edsl:i gnhetrlvye s^3c-olovbereedd,
underneath with little rough tubercles and rigid hairs:
flleonrgatlh ,l eraavtehse rs lsighhotrlty a3n-dl obtheidc.k , sPliegtihotlleys puubneesqcueanlt , ina
little flattened on the upper side._ Stipules cordate,
tdaupnecrl-epso 2in-5te dfl,o wgeenreedra, llsyli gthotoltyh epdu,b eslsicgehnttl.y cIilnivaotel.u cre of
3-6 bractes, ovate or broadly lanceolate, acute, ciliate.
Pedicles very short. Calyx of 5 unequal segments,
covered with little rough tubercles; back segment
erect, ovate, acute: the others broadly lanceolate, reflexed.
Nectariferous tube much flattened, channelled
on both sides, slightly curved, about twice the length
of the calyx. Petals 5, the two uppermost roundly
obcordate of a dark rose colour, in the middle of each
are two dark confluent spots, and underneath two