We have published the fertile-anthered variety of
this species in the second article of this work; where
we have spoken of the present plant as distinct from P.
splendens of Willdenow, the flowers that writer as pentandrous, while in boeuinr gp ldaenstc rthibeeyd abrye
constantly heptandrous, and the anthers without pollen;
but we are assured by Mr. Otto, the curator of the
Bhaevreli nr eGtaairndeedn , ththe ant atmheey oafr ei gcneerstcaeinnsl,y wthhei csha mwea. s fWirset
given by Sir R. C. Hoare, who raised it from seeds,
and it has also been published by that title in two of the
wnoowrk’ss prleafnetr rweda s tdoe. rivIetd ifsr ovmer yE npgrloibsha bglae rdtehnast , Wthiolludgeh-
spalaidn t toin bthei sn caotiuvnet royf i st hwei tChoapuet doofu bGto ao dh yHbroipde p. rodTuhce
tfioorn a, nh aacvcinogu nbt eoefn w rhaiiscehd s efreo Pm. tshcein stieleladn so,f NPo.f.u 2l8g.idum,
A very desirable plant on account of the brilliant
tchorloouugr ho fth teh ey efalor.w erIst, twhrhiivcehs ainre apnr oedquucaeld mniexatrulrye aollf
sandy loam and peat, or any other light soil; and
tceurtetdin gpsa rsto oonf thsetr igkree ernohootu isfe . plaOnuterd d irna wpiontgs wina sa tashkeeln
at the nursery of Messrs. Colvill and Son, King’s Road,