side,length keeled of the at calyx,the flattened back, and and thicchkalyn nceollveedr eodn ewaicthh
short stiff hairs. Petals 5, imbricate, plaited, the
two uppermost roundly obovate, of a light buff colour,
with a dark purple spot in the centre, which pervades
the greater part of the petal, and joins 4 lines from the
boathsee,r swhhoircth l inaeres osnli gthhtely unbgraunisc;h elodw; ebre lpoewta ltsh ceusen eaartee
or narrowly obovate of nearly the same colour, with
only 2 simple lines from the base, which joins the
purple spot in the centre. Filaments 10, connected
at the base, 7 bearing anthers. Pollen of a brown
hcoailroyu.r . StiGgmeramse 5n, pvuilrlpolues,. refSletxyeled . flesh-colour, very
poseBde ifto rteo wbee aex vaamriienteyd o tfh Pis. bfiinceo loprl,a nbtu wt ne oawlw fainyds istu pas
different from that as from any other species in the
isne ctthioant. thIeny tahries tfhlea t paentadl s daisreti npclta;i tethde ya nadr ei malbsroi cadtief,
ferently marked in both; the leaves, bractes, and
calyx, are also very different: it may be a hybrid production,
but if so, we know not whence it has origreinlaatteedd
.t o iWt, eb huatv oef s sotmille srtercoonlgleecrt igorno wofth a,n wotihthe rs mneoaortlhy
tsihoinn,i nrges leemavbeles ; thtohsee f olofw theers p, rteos etnhte pbleasntt .o f Wouer hreacvoel lneoct
seen it for some years, but it may be a mule between
our plant and P. bicolor. It is a fine strong-growing
spulamnmt, era,n dt ipllr oldautec esi na bauuntudmannc.e ofA f lomwiexrtsu rteh roouf glho atmhe,
peat, and sand, is the best soil for it, and the pots must
be well drained with potsherds, as nothing is so injurious
to it as too much wet, particularly in winter.
sChuetltfi ning st hreo gorte efnreheolyu,s e.planted in pots, and set on a
ColTvillile adnrda wSionng lwasats sutamkmene r.at the nursery of Messrs.