unguis, of a dark crimson colour, nearly black at the
base, but much lighter on the back side, lower petals
broadly spatulate, very obtuse, of a light flesh colour
or deep blush. Filaments 10, united into a tube,
thickly covered with shoi’t hairs, 5 only bearing anthers,
and these were imperfect in all the specimens we
have examined; two upper barren filaments much
longer than the others and recurved,Germen villous. Aristae spiral, beard eodf ain fwleasrhd sc,o lvoeurry.
hSatiigrym. as S5t,y lree dre, dr,e fvleexrye dh.airy below and smooth above.
Our drawing of this new and beautiful plant was
taken from a fine specimen communicated by Messrs.
wSwase erta’sis eadn df roMmi lsleeer,d .o f Fthroem B ritiss toaln tNheurrss ebreyi,n gw halewrea yist
yweitt hito uwt ilplo sleleend, frweee lyco inf ciltu bdee siet ti sw iat hh ythberi dp oplrloend uocft iaonny,
forfo mth et hsaesmee, twriiblle ;a lclo nbsee dqiufefenrtelyn tt hfreo ymo utnhge pplaarnetns tr, aiasnedd
we expect some of them will be very handsome.
This appears to be one of the easiest management
oinf athne ewqhuoalle mgeinxutus,r et hoaft twuerf hya vloea mme, t pweiatth, ; aintd t hsraivneds,
vaenrdy frleoawdeirlsy ,a btauknedna notlfyf ianl l ththee ysouumnmg ewr.o oCdu attnidn gpsl astnrtiekde
ignr epeonthso, uwseh.ich must be placed in a shady part of the