Heart-leaved Stork’s-bill.
P. cordatum, umbellis multifloris paniculatis, foliis cor-
datis acutis dentatis planis subtus incanis pubescen-
tibus, petalis inferis subulato-linearibus aciitis.
Pelargonium cordatum. Willd. sp. pi. 3. p. 6/0.
Kew. ed. 2. p. 173. Pers. syn. v. 2. p. 231.
L'Herit. gerah. t. 22.
Pelargonium cordifolium. Bot. mag. 165.
Geranium cordifolium. Cav. diss. 4. p. 240. 1.117. f . 3.
Stem shrubby, erect, with few branches. Branches
erect, rigid, slightly pubescent. acute’, dentate, smooth on the uppLeera vseids ef, lautn, dceorrndeaatteh,
covered with a close white pubescence; nerves numerous,
reticulately branched. Petiole about the
length of the leaf, covered with a powdery pubescence.
Sfltoipwuelreesd ,s upbaunlaictele, da. cumPeidnuantec,l erse csulrigvhedtl.y dUomwbneyl.s mIannvyo-
lucre of 6 lanceolate, acute bractes. Pedicles about
tdhoew lneyn ghtahi rosf. theC anleycxt a5r-icfeleroftu, s steugbme,e nctosv eerreecdt ,w citohn cshavoert,
lanceolate, acute. Nectariferous tube a little shorter
than the calyx, widely flattened on both sides, covered
with soft downy hairs. Corolla of 5 petals, the two
uppermost spatulately obovate, very narrow at the
base; of a pale rose colour, from the base branch
tsheveemra; l lodwarekr preetda lsl inseusb,u lwatiethly -ali nweahri,t ee nmdainrgk abbertwupetelny
in an acute point; pale blush colour, or nearly white.
Filaments 10, connected at the base, 7 only bearing