OTIDIA carnosa.
Fleshy-stalked Otidia.
O. carnosa, umbellis plurifloris paiiiculatis, foliis si-
nuato-pinnatifidis ternatisve; laciniis oblongis ob-
tusis apice inciso-dentatis, calycibus tubo nectarifero calyce sesquilongiori. patentibus,
Otidia carnosa. Lindley MSS. Nob. in Colv. Catal.
p. 21. col. 2.
Pelargonium carnosum. Willden. sp. pi. 3. p. 686.
P18e2rs.. syn. 2. p. 233. Hurt. Keiv. ed. 2. vol. 4. p.
Geranium carnosum. Cav. diss. 4. p. 266. t. 99. f . 1.
Dill. elth. 153. t. l2 7 .f. 154.
Stem shrubby, succulent, branching; branches swolsleidne
arat btlhee tijmoien, tbs,u tw ahreer en otht ep rsotippeurlleys preermsiasitnen fto, rb eat wceoenn
the joints thickly clothed with a short hoary pubescpeinnncea.
t ifidL,e aovtehse srcsa rdceeelyp lpyi ndniavtied,e dso, mseetgimmeesn ttse ronbaltoe nog,r
irregularly cut and toothed, with blunt rounded teeth,
hroawireyd o no nb otthhe suidpepse. r sPidetei,o laens da rliotutlned feldat toenn etdh ea nldo wfuerr,
thickly clothed with short soft pubescent hairs, as are
tlhane cpeeodlautnec, leos,f pae dbicrloews,n a ncdo lcoaulyr,x . scSarticpeulyle s pceorsrdisatetenlty.
Peduncles panicled, several-flowered. Involucre of 6 or
7 short lanceolate downy bractes. Pedicles unequal in
lneontg tshoy losonmg.e loCnagleyrx t5h-acnle tfht,e sneegcmtaerniftesr osupsr etaudbien,g o, thspears-
tulately lanceolate, concave, obtuse, fringed, the upper
one largest. Nectaricfe rco u2s tube about half as long