than.the calyx, a little flattened on each side. Petals
5, varying in colour on different plants, some nearly
white or pale blush, others rose-coloured or light
purple, upper petals broadly spatulate, subemarginate,
with a dark spot in the centre, and lines branching in
various directions, lower petals ligulate,down the middle of each. Filaments 10, wcoitnhn eac tsetdr ipaet
the base, 7 spreading round the flower and bearing
anthers. Pollen orange-coloured. Seeds blackish. Capsules brown, hairy. Aristas spiral, bearded inwshaorrdtse
rw thitahn lothneg fwilahmitee nhtsa.i rs.S tigSmtyales 5sm, oreodth, , repfalleex erde.d,
Our drawing of this curious little species was taken
at the nursery of Messrs. Colvill and Son, who raised it
fnroowm, sinee tdhse rHecoeritvuesd Bferoromli nNeneswis ,S ostuatthe sW ita lteos . beW nialltdivee- obef etnh em Cisaipnefo romf eGd.o odT hHe oNpee,w bHuto lwlaen ds ussppeeccite sh ed ihffaesr
from those of the Cape by their stamens spreading all
round the corolla; we have as yet only seen two species
wtryhi, chb uhta vMe rf.l oCwoelvreildl ihna so urra cisoeldle cat iothnisr,d f rloamst tyheaatr cforuonm
seed, which is very different, though apparently of the
same tribe, but has not flowered.
of sTahned yp lalonatsm o fa nthdi s pseeactti;o nth seuyc cmeeady bbees t iinnc rae amseixdt u"brey
cuttings planted in pots in the same kind of soil, but
the best method of increasing them is by seeds, which
ripen in abundance.