half the length of the calyx, white or pale blush colour.
Filaments 10, united at the base, 7 bearing anthers.
Germen and aristas villous. Style Stigmas 5, reflexed. red, very hairy.
For an opportunity of giving this curious and very
distinct species of Pelargonium, we are indebted to
MChre. lsWea., wAhnod ehrasso nla, telcyu rraetionrtr oodfu cthede itB, oitt ahnaivci nGg adridseanp,
poepainreiodn friotm i so uars choallnedcstioomnse faosr asnevye roafl ytheea rsg.e nuIns; ofuorr
yaletth othuegihr tahbeu fnldoawnecrse aarne dn octu sroio luasr gfeo rams imn asokme eu opt htehrast, deficiency: it is a strong vigorous-growing plant, and
continues in bloom the greater part of the summer; a
rtuicrhfy l ilgohatmis,h asonidl sthueit sr eist tb peseta, t oorr a d meciaxytuerde loefa vtweso: tihti rrdes
quires but little water in winter, as too much wet is very
ihnajnudri-ogulas ssto, oitr. inC puotttisn gpsl arcoeodt infr eae lysh paldayn tseidtu autniodner: iat
also produces plenty of seeds, by which any number
may be raised.