tion,We and suspect seemingly this pretty intermediate plant to bbee taw heyenb riPd. ppreondiucicl
latum and one of the small-growing sorts, perhaps P.
dumosum. We believe it was first raised from seed by
aMnrd. Ptoe rwryh oomf Boaunrb guarryd, enas g arreea ti nadmeabtteeudr foorf Gmearnayn ihacaensde,
some and curious kinds. This is one of the dwarfer
sorts, and makes a compact little bush, seldom exceeding
a foot or 18 inches in height, but is covered
whaitrhd ya apsr oafnuys ioonf tohfe bgloenoums ,a laln tdh ew silulm thmrievre. inIt ains ya lcsoom as
mon soil, or a mixture of loam and peat, or decayed
leaves, will suit it very well. Cuttings root freely,
planted in pots and placed in a shady situation.
of MOeusrs rds.r aCwoilnvgil lw aansd taSkoenn. last summer at the nursery