thers. Pollen orange-coloured. Capsules and aristce
densely hairy. Style flesh-coloured, hairy on the lower
part, and smooth on the upper. Stigmas 5, purple,
Our drawing of this pretty plant was taken from a
fine specimen communicated by Messrs. Sweet’s and
Miller, from their extensive collection nursery. We suppose it to be a hybriadt pthroed uBcrtiisotno,l
being nearly related to P. crispum, also to P. herman-
niifolium and several others: it is a hardy greenhouse
plant, and takes up but little room, as it may be grown
in a small pot: it continues to flower in succession
nearly all the summer; a mixture of loam and peat,
or decayed leaves, suits it very well, or any other light
vegetable mould; and young cuttings root freely
planted in pots and placed in a sheltered situation.