Prominent nerved Stork’s-bill.
P. nervosum,viter quinquelobis umbellis plurifloris,subcucullatfiosl iiisn rseenqiufaolrimteirb ugsr oles--
snfaetqiuse, pdeetnatlaisti ss umpuerltiionreibrvuisi sr,e vsotilpuutilsi,s tcuobrod antiesc taacruifmerio-
longitudine calycis.
Stem shrubby, branching. Branches thickly covered
with long soft unequal hairs. Leaves kidney-shaped,
wsliigthh tslhya 5rp-l oribgeidd, tceoenthca, vdee, ndseeleyp lpyu bbuest cuennet qouna blloyt hto soitdheesd;
nerves numerous, prominent, much branched. Petioles
flattened and deeply furrowed on the upper side and
cSotinpvuelxe s becloorwda, tew, idaecluym dinilaattee, d cuopnwcaavred,s , civlieartye . haPirey.
duncles several-flowered, thickly covered with soft villous
hairs. Involucre generally of 6 bractes; bractes
ovate or broadly lanceolate, acute, keeled, ciliate.
Pedicles unequal in length, bent upwards. Calyx 5- cleft, segments erect, lanceolate, acuminate, villous.
Nectariferous tube about the length of the calyx, widely
flattened on bcl’i sides and gibbous at the base, thickly
clothed with soft villous hairs. Petals 5, two uppermost
widely ovate, apices reflexed or revolute, of a reddish rose-colour, darkest at the points; in the middle
is a dark crimson spot, and numerous dark lines from
it to the base, which branch in all directions; lower
petals oblong, obtuse, of rather a lighter colour. Filaments
10, only 7 bearing anthers. Pollen orange-
coloured. Germen densely villous. Style red, very
hairy. Stigmas 5, i*evolute.