P A P I L I O A R E O L A T U S .
B L U E -S P O T R IN G L E T B U T T E R F L Y .
A N D R O P O G O N , N U T AN S .. L IN N
5. S A T Y R I F A B R.
P .'S, alis integèrrimis: fupra fttfeis immaculatis : fubtus flriga communi mârgineqùe circulif-
que teftaceis; primoribus ocellis quatuor; pofticis fex: intermediis elongatis.
Feeds on th é Andropogonnutans, b u t has n o t been obferved iii V irginia, though
this grafs grows there. T h e caterpillar changed May 22d, the fly appeared Ju n e
ill. I t frequents th e fides o f rivulets, of branches, as th ey are called in America.
We have not been able to deteét this fly in any fyftematic writer, nor is there a figure like
it in Cramer. It exifts however among Mr. Jones’s valuable drawings, but has not till now
received a name. We have preferred one expreflive of its character, to any vague or more
fanciful denomination.
Its place is between P. Phocion xa& SoJyVnis, Fabr. Entom. emend. Vol. 4. 219; for its
ally, Hyperanthus, is furely ill placed by Linnæus among his Danai feftivi.