L Y C O P t J S e u ro p a s u s .
Water Horehound.
DI ANURIA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. fo u r - c le f t ; on e o f its lobes n o tch ed .
Siam, d iftan t. Seeds 4 , n ak ed , b lu n t .
Spec. C h ar. L e a v e s d e ep ly fer ra ted .
Sy n . L y c o p u s europaeus. Linn. Sp. PI. 30. Sm.Fl.
Brit. 2 9 . Hudf. 9. With. 20. Hull. 6 . Relh. 1 1 .
Sibth. 8. Abbot. 6. Curt.Lond. fafc. 3 . t. 2 .
L . p a lu ftris g la b e r . Rail Syn. 2 3 6 .
T H I S plant is very frequently to be feen about the banks of
rivers, ditches and pools, efpecially where the foil is fandy and
the water clear, flowering plentifully in July and Auguft.
Root perennial, creeping. Stem ere£t, two feet high,
fquare, leafy, roughifh. Leaves oppofite, on fhort ftalks,
lanceolate or ovate, acute, deeply and coarfely ferrated, fome-
times pinnatifid, particularly towards their bafe: they are
roughifh on both lides, and marked beneath with refinous
dots, as in the Mints, but have no aromatic fmell. Flowers
numerous, in axillary whorls, fometimes fragrant in hot
weather., Calyx downy, with {harp briftly teeth. Corolla
white, prettily dotted with purple about the orifice, and
hairy within. Stamina two, fometimes four. Antherse
with two acute lobes. Seeds four, obovate, blunt, fquare,
and furrowed on each fide.
The glandular dots, form of the corolla, and whole habit
fhow the affinity o f this plant to Mentha; but we believe the
feeds would ferve fufficiently to diftinguifh it without adverting
to the number o f its flamina.
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