[ 78i ]
VERONI CA Anagallis.
Water Speedwell.
D I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, o f i petal, 4-cleft, wheel-
ftiaped j lower divifion narroweft. Cap/. 2-celled.
Spec. C har. Clufters lateral, oppofite. Leaves
lanceolate, ferrated. Stem eredt.
Syn. Veronica Anagallis. L inn. Sj). P I. 16. Sm. F I.
B r it. 20. H udf. 5. W ith. 15. H u ll. 5. Relh. 5.
Sibth. 5. Abbot. 3. Curt. L o n d .fa fc. $. t. 2. Dick/.
H . S ic c .fa fc . 13. 4.
V . aquatica longifolia media. R a il Syn. 280.
V E R Y common in ditches and muddy watery places,
flowering in July, and, like all fuch aquatics as are tenacious of
life or eafily propagated, it is often found out of the water on
the neighbouring banks, merely diminifhed in luxuriance.
The root is creeping and perennial. Whole herb much
agreeing in habit with the Brooklime, V . Beealunga, t. 655,
except that the Hem is ere£t, and leaves lanceolate, acute, longer
than in that fpecies. The clufters are alfo longer, (harper, composed
of more numerous and fmaller flowers. Every part of the
plant is fmooth. Corolla of a pale dull blue, occafionally flefti-
coloured, with darker veins. Capfules fmall, roundifti, notched.
No notice has been taken of this plant in a medical or
«economical view. Its qualities are probably akin to thofe of
Brooklime, to which it is nearly allied in botanical characters,
though unqueftionably a diftinft fpecies.