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T R I T I C DM loliaceum.
Spiked Sea Wheat-grafs.
T R I J N D R I A Digynia.
G en. C har. Cal. of two valves, folkary, alternate,
upon a zigzag rachis, and containing feveral ob-
tufe, but pointed, florets.
Spec. C har. C a ly x many-flowe red. S p ik e Ample,
comp re flbd j fpiculae o va te , all lean ing one way.
Syn. T r it ie um unilaterale. Ait. Hort. Kew. v. 1.
12 2 , b u t not o f Linnaeus.
T . ma ritim um . With. Bot. Arr. 130.
P o a loliacea. Hudf. FI. An. 4 3 . With. Bot. Arr. 9 1 .
Relh. Cant. 3 7 .
G ram en p um ilum L o lia c g o Amile, Raii Syn. 3 9 5 .
G r . lo liaceum e x ile durius. Smith Rel, Rudh. 13 .
G a t h e r e d by the Rev. Mr. Bryant on the northern
coalt of Norfolk. It occurs on the fandy beach in many parts
of England, according to Ray and Hudfon, flowering about
The root is annual, confifting of long downy fibres as in
moll grafles that grow in pure fand. Several Ihort rigid curved
Items arife from it, clothed with fheathing leaves, which are
involute when dry. A fhort notched beardlefs ftipula crowns
the infide of their fheaths. The general fpike is terminal,
ere£t, compofed of from 8 or 9 to 12 or 15 ereCt flowers or fpi-
culae, placed alternately on each edge of the common rachis or
ftalk, but all directed to one of its flat fides, which is by that
means completely hidden, while the other is vifible behind.
The calyx-hulks are lanceolate, equal, reaching to the top of
the lowed; florets. The partial rachis is zigzag, and exactly
like the general one; an argument for the propriety of confi-
deripg the latter as a part of the fructification, and confeqUent-
ly making the plant a Tritieum, not a Poa. The florets are
numerous; their outer valves very blunt, with a {harp point,
the inner lanceolate and acute. NeCtary a minute concave
feale. Stamina and piltilla fhort.
Linnjeus has wonderfully erred in confounding this with his
T . maritimum, which is a large branched grafs with linear
fpiculse and acuminated florets, well deferibed in Sp. PI. and
which has hitherto been found only in the South of France.
T . unilaterale is no lefs diftin£t, and is well figured by Mori-
fon, vol. 3. fee. 8. t. 2. f 3.