/i/(j C 1004 J
P O A fu b c a s ru le a .
Blueijh Meadow-grafs.
TR1ANDRIA Digynia•
G en. C h ar. Cal. of 2 valves, containing many
florets. Spikelet rounded at the bafe. Cor. of 2
ovate, pointed, beardlefs valves.
Spec. C har. P a n ic le lo o fe . S p ik e le ts heartfliap ed,
o f about three flowe rs . G lum e s ova te, a cu te , c o n n
e c te d b y a w eb . S t ip u t e all fh o rt and b lun t.
Syn. Poa pratenfis-jS, alpina. Hudf. 39.
P . g la u c a . W ith. 14 8 .
(x A TH E R E D in Anglefea by the Rev. H. Davies, flowering
in June. That this is the P . alpina of Hudfon, as well as the
glauca of Withering, we think unqucftionable. The original
glauca of FI. Dan. is notwithftanding widely different, and we
have therefore given ours a new name, exprefiive of its
blueifh appearance. Hudfon found this grafs on the mountains
of Weftmoreland and Cumberland, and his opinion in
reducing it to a variety of P. pratenjis is lefs ftrikingly erroneous
than if his plant had been (as is commonly fuppofed) the
Linnaean alpina, which no good botanift could confound with
P. fubceerulea has a creeping perennial root, with much-
branched, zigzag, downy fibres, agreeing with thofe of pratenjis.
Whole plant glaucous, with tints of purple. Stem 6 to 10
inches high. Leaves fhort, ftraight. All the ftipulse fhort
and blunt. Panicle fhaped like that of alpina, variegated with
purple and glaucous green. Calyx almott awned. Florets
generally three, connected by a copious foft white web, whofe
fibres may be feen between them even in their natural fituation
but become moft confpicuous when the florets are pulled
afunder. This web does not exift in P. alpina or cajia, FI.
Brit., the only 2 fpecies likely otherwife to be confounded\vith
this. It is found in P . pratenjis, but in a much lefs quantity ;
nor can that fpecies, if its angular glumes be duly confidered*
be by any means confounded with this.