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P I N G U I C U L A vulgaris.
Common Butter-wort.
D I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C h ar. Corolla ringent, fpurred. Calyx two-lipped,
with five fegments. Capfule o f one cell.
Spec. C har. Spur cylindrical, and as long as the
Sy n . Pinguicula vulgaris. Linn. Sp. PI. 25. Hiulf
FI. An. 8. With. Bot. Arr. 16. Relh. Cant. 8.
P. Gefneri. Ran Syn. * 281.
O n bogs in the northern counties abundantly, alfo in Norfolk
and other parts of England more fparingly. It is perennial,
and flowers in the early part of fummer. We are obliged
for this fpecimen to Mr. E. Robfon of Darlington, a very affi-
duous and accurate botanift.
The leaves are remarkably glutinous on their upper fide, and
afford a good example of an involuted margin. The ftrufture
of the ftigma, and its clofe application to the ffamina in this
genus, are very remarkable.
Butterwort is accufed of caufing the rot in Iheep; but Dr.
Withering affures us no cattle whatever will feed upon it.
“ The hufbandmen’s wives of Yorkfhire do ufe to anoint
“ the dugs of their kine with the fat and oilous juyce of the
“ herbe butterwort, when they are bitten with any venomous
** worme, or chapped, rifted and hurt by any other meanes”—
as Mafter Gerarde teftifieth.