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FESTUCA uniglumis.
Single-husked Fescue-grass.
T R IA N D R IA Digynia.
Gen, Char. Cal. o f 2 valves. Spihelet oblong, somewhat
cylindrical, two-ranked, with sharp-pointed
Spec. Char. Panicle upright, pointing one way, nearly
simple. Florets awl-shaped, compressed, awned.
One valve o f the calyx very short.
S y n . Festuca uniglumis. Soland. in J i t . H. Kew. v. 1
108. Sm. FI. Brit. 118. Dicks. H. Sicc .fasc. 1 7 - 1 .
Knapp. t .D .
Stipa membranacea. Linn. Sp. PL 1 1 6 ? Mant. 2
326 ?
Lolium bromoides. Huds. 55. With. 169. Hull. 27.
Festuca avenacea sterilis humillima, spica unam partem
speetante. D ill, in Raii Syn. 4 1 3 . n. 3. t. 17.J'. 2,
but not Raii Syn. ecL 2. 261. 4.
-FO UN D on the sandy sea shore of Sussex, from whence we
have several times received specimens. It flowers in June,
and varies greatly in luxuriance according to the moisture of
the season.
Root biennia], fibrous. Stems several, from 4 to 6 inches
high, nearly upright, angular, smooth, leafy, often branched
below. Leaves smooth, a little involute, with broad inflated
sheaths. Stipula very short. Panicle upright, very little
compound, its branches leaning all one way, compressed, with
rough edges. Spikelets upright, lanceolate, flattish. Outer
valve o f the calyx almost as long as the spikelet, awl-shaped,
awned, rough : inner very minute, scarcely perceptible without
a glass; it is however present, and every analogy requires
that it should be called a valve, though so very small, in which
particular this species essentially differs from those in t. M i l
and 1412. Stipa membranacea of Linnaeus, a real Festuca,
seems only a more luxuriant state of this grass.