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R O T B O L L I A incurvata.
Sea Hard-grafs.
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T R I A N D R I A Digynia,
G en. C har. Cal. fixed, moftly fingle-flowered, fim-
ple, or divided into 2 parts. Flowers ranged alternately
oh a jointed common ftalk.
Spe c . Char. Spike round, awl-fhaped. Calyx-glume
awl-fhaped, divided, clofe prefled to the ftalk.
Sy n . Rotbollia incurvata. Linn. Suppl. 114. Sm. FI.
B rit. 151. With. 169. Hull. 29. Relh. Suppl. 2. 8.
Aegilops incurvata. Litm. Sp. PI. 1490. Hudf. 441.
Gramen parvum marinum, fpicä loliaceä. Raii Syn.
F O U N D on the fea coaft and in fait marfhes in feveral
parts of the kingdom, flowering in Auguft and September.
Root fibrous, annual. Stems numerous, procumbent in
their lower part, branched, jointed and bent, very fmooth, leafy.
Leaves linear, pointed, recurved, rough on the edges and upper
fide; their fheaths a little inflated, flriated, fmooth, crowned
by a fhort blunt ftipula. Spikes terminal, folitary, eredt, a
little curved, cylindrical, flender, very fmooth, confifting of
many flowers ranged alternately along one common jointed
ftalk, which is fculptured with a little cavity on one fide of each
of its joints to receive each flower, and both before and after
flowering the cloven valve of the calyx fo exadtly clofes thefe
cavities, as to form almoft an uniform furface with the ftalk.
Calyx flriated, beardlefs, fmooth. Corolla of 2 white membranous
hufks. Germen invefted with the ufual cloven nedtary of
grafles. All the flowers are hermaphrodite and fertile. The
joints of the flower-ftalk, feparating, fall to the ground and
difperfe the feed.
No agricultural ufe is attributed to this grafs.