S C I R P U S setaceus.
Least Club-rusli.
G en. C h ar. Glumes chaffy, imbricated every way,
all fertile. Cor. none. Seed 1.
Spec. Char. Stem naked, bristle-shaped. Spikes lateral,
generally in pairs, sessile, without bracteas.
Syn. Scirpus setaceus. Linn. Sp. PL 73. Sm. FI.
Brit, 54% Huds. 20. With. 76. Hull. 14.
E e lL 2 1 . Sibth. 2 4 . Abbot. 1 1 . Dicks. H.
Sicc.fasc. 1 2 . 1.
S . foliaceus humilis. Rail Syn. 4 3 0 .
F r e q u e n t in gravelly or sandy watery places, where it
blossoms in July and August.
Root annual, fibrous. Stems numerous, tufted, various in
luxuriance, from 2 to 5 inches high, slender, round, smooth,
pointed, bearing one or two sheathing leaves at their base,
which are much shorter than the stem, but of a similar form.
There are also many short reddish imbricated scales on the
outside of the base of the leaves. Near the top of each stem
arc placed 1 or 2, sometimes 3 or even 4, lateral, sessile,
ovate, short spikes, formed of numerous broad reddish-brown
glumes, each with a green margin and keel. Stamens and
stigmas 3. Seed, as Leers justly observes, without any
bristles at its base.
Linnaeus in his 2d Mantissa, p. 321, confounded another
species of Scirpus with this, which is perhaps his own Cyperus