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DA C T Y L I S glomerata.
Rough Cock 's-foot Grafs.
T R I A N D R I A Digynia.
G en. Char. Cal. o f 2 valves, comprefled ; one valve
larger, and carinated.
Spec. C har. Panicle crowded, leaning one way.
Syn . D a â y lis glomerata. Linn. Sp. PI. 105. H udf. FI.
An. 43. With. Bat. Arr. 94. Rett. Cant. 39.
Sibth. Ox. 43.
Gramen afperum. Rati Syn. 400.
O N E of the mod common of all grafies, in paftures, hedges,
thickets, &c. remarkable for thriving under the lhade and
drippings of trees, and thence fometimes (as Dr. Withering
mentions) called Orchard Grafs. It is a harfh coarfe grafs,
not eaten by cows (according to the experiments of Linnaeus),
nor much preferred by other domeftic animals.
Root ftrong and perennial. Leaves dark green, carinated,
harfh and rough. Stipula bifid, or torn. Stems two feet high}
rough, leafy, terminating in a fort of pyramidal branched panicle,
confifting of feveral thick tufts of flowers all leaning one
way, by which it may be readily diftinguifhed. The lower
branches of the panicle are much divaricated, and fometimes
compound. Antherae reddifh, hanging out of the flower on
long filaments. Each calyx contains three, four, or more florets,
with both petals pointed, and one fhortly awned. It flowers
from June to Auguft.
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