30 C 623 ]
VERONI CA Chamaedrys.
Germander Sjieedvoell.
L I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, o f one petal, four-cleft,
wheel-thaped; lower divifion narrowed:. Capfule
Spec. C har. Clutters lateral. Leaves ovate, feffile,
rugged, deeply ferrated. Stem marked with two
longitudinal hairy lines.
Syn . Veronica Chamaedrys. Linn. Sp. PI. 17. Sm. FI.
Brit. 22. Hudf. 6. With. 16. Hull. 5. Relb. 6.
Sibth. it. Abbot. 4. Curt. Lond. fafc. i . t . 2. Mart.
Fl. Ruß. t. 66.
V . Chamaedrys fylveftris didta. Rail Syn. 28 r.
F e w of our wild flowers can vie in elegance and brilliancy
with this. In the months of May and June every hedge-bottom
and grafly bank is adorned with it. A t night, or under
the influence of moifture, the corolla clofes, but in dry bright
weather appears fully expanded in all its beauty; and though
each flower is Ihort-lived, there is a copious fucceffion.
Root perennial, fibrous, a little creeping. Stems fpreading,
but {lightly raifed from the ground, Ample, waving, leafy,
marked longitudinally, as Linnaeus well remarks, with a hairy
line on each fide. Leaves oppofite, feffile, ovate, fpreading,
deeply and acutely ferrated, ftrongly veined, moft hairy about
the margin. Clufters axillary, generally oppofite, many-flowered,
Ample, rifing above the top of the ftem; their common
flower-ftalk hairy in every diredtion. Flowers on {lender partial
ftalks with a bradtea at their bafe, large, bright blue, elegantly
veined, pale and fomewhat flefh-coloured on the outfide.
Stamina fpreading, the liyle being fpontaneoufly diredted firft
to one and then to the other. Capfule fmall, inverfely heart-