[ 2160 ]
A R U N DO stricta.
Sm a lle s t C lo s e R e ed .
G en. C har. Cal. of 2 valves. Florets surrounded
with long down.
Spec. C har. Calyx single-flowered, full as long as
the corolla. Panicle erect, close. Flowers scattered,
erect, with a ddrsal awn. Down shorter than the
corolla. Stipula very short.
Syn. Arundo stricta. Schrad. Germ. v. 1 . 2 15 . t. 4»
' / . 5 .
A . neglecta. Ehrh. Calam. 1 18 .
D i s c o v e r e d by Mr. G. Don, in Jane 1807j in amarsli
called the White Mire, a mile from Forfar. We had but just
communicated this discovery to the Linnsean Society, under
Ehrh art’s name neglecta, when we received Dr. Schrader a
1 st vol. of his valuable Flora, and we now prefer the name
he had, unknown to us, adopted from a publication of Timms
which we have never seen. _
This plant is perennial, flowering in June, It is next akin
to the foreign Agrostis arundinacea, which is likewise surely
an Arundo, as Linnaeus originally, and Schrader recently, has
made it. See A . sylvatica., Schrad. n. 8. ^ .
The present is by far the smallest British Reed, being
scarcely 2 feet high. It differs from A . Calamagrostis, epige-
jos and Phragmites in having the calyx simply acute, not with
elongated points. The corolla moreover is as long as the
calyx, (but the down is shorter,) its glumes abrupt, jagged,
and coloured, the larger bearing a short dorsal awn, scarcely
projecting beyond the calyx. Root creeping, perennial. Stem
simple, with 2 joints, smooth like the sheaths. Leaves narrow,
acute, rough above. Stipula very short, abrupt, and
entire. Panicle of a purplish or bronze-coloured brown,
somewhat resembling luxuriant Mclica ceerulea.