F E S T U C A pratensis.
Meadow Fescue-gOrass.
G e n . C h a r . Cal. o f 2 valves. Spikelet oblong, somewhat
cylindrical, two-ranked, with sharp-pointed
S p e c . C h a r . Panicle nearly upright, loose, pointing
to one side. Spikelets linear, compressed, bluntish.
Florets cylindrical,. obscurely ribbed.
S y n . Festuca pratensis. Huds. ed. 1. 37. Sm. FI.
Brit. 123. Relh. 38. Abbot. 2 1 . Curt. Land,
fasc. 6. t. 7. Mart. Rust. t. 84. Knapp, t. 73.
F. elatior. Linn. FI. Suec. 32. With. 156, var. 2.
Hull. 2 4 .
F. fluitans y . Huds. 47.
Gramen paniculatum elatius, spicis longis muticis
squamosis. Raii Syn. 411 ; but not Barrel. Ic.
t. 2 5 .
IN OT uncommon in meadows and pastures, especially such
as are rather moist, where it flowers about the middle or end
of June.
Root fibrous, perennial. Stems about 2 feet high, erect,
smooth, simple, leafy. Leaves spreading, linear, pointed,
flat, of a darkish green, striated; the upper ones rough on
both sides to the touch. Sheaths striated, very smooth.
Stipula short and obtuse, decurrent, embracing the stem.
Panicle nearly erect, its branches spreading chiefly to one
side, growing in pairs, unequal in size; the stalks compressed
and rough. Spikelets stalked, divaricated, alternate, linear-
oblong, bluntish, compressed, smooth, tinged with purple or
brown. Calyx-glumes unequal, sharpish, smooth. Florets
numerous, a little distant, two-ranked, cylindrical, acute,
marked in the upper part with 5 inconspicuous ribs; their
margin membranous. Inner valves downy at the edge.
Mr. Curtis, whose whole account of this grass is excellent,
recommends it as very hardy, and affording a plentiful crop
of good herbage.