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PINGUICULA lufitanica.
Pale Butter-wort.
D I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. ringent, fpurred. Cal. two lipped,
with five fegments. Capfule of one cell.
Spec. Char. Nedtary blunt, fhorter than the petal.
Stalk hairy. Capfule globofe.
Syn. Pinguicula lufitanica. lin n. Sp. PI. 25. Hud/.
FI. An. ed. 1 .7 .
P. villofa. HudJ. FI. An. ed. 2. 8. With. Bot. Arr.
17. Light/. FI. Scot. 77. t. 6.
P. flore minore carneo. Rail Syn. * 281.
D r . PULTENEY of Blandford Dorfetlhire was fo obliging
as to fend us living plants of this very interefting fpecies in the
end of June laft, gathered on bogs in his neighbourhood, and
we embrace with pleafure the opportunity of clearing up that
obfcurity in which it has been enveloped.
The root is perennial. Leaves like thofe of other fpecies of
this genus, but rather more delicate and pellucid, reticulated
with red veins, and much involute in the margin. Stalks hairy,
efpeciallyin their lower part, withfhort fpreading glandular hairs
tipped with a vifcid fluid. Flowers a little nodding. Calyx
fcarcely two-lipped, but almoft equally 5-cleft. Tube of the
corolla nearly cylindrical, yellow (freaked with red ; limb in 5
equal obcordate fpreading fegments, of a pale lilac orifice
hairy; fpur inflated at the bafe, then contracted, terminating
in a very blunt conical figure, and when dried (the only (late
in which Linnaeus faw it) much thicker at the end than at the
middle, (freaked with red. Stamina flattifh. Germen hairy.
Stigma blunt, excavated on the upper fide. Capfule perfectly
globular, crowned with the withered (ligma.
That this is the real P. lufitanica we learn from Portuguefe
fpecimens compared with thofe of Grifley, after which probably
(feen in fome herbarium) Linnaeus defcribed it, for he had it
not in his own. That it is P. villofa of Lightfoot appears from
a fpecimen from Skye, given to Dr. Smith by the Rev. Mr.
Stuart, as well as from the figure in Flo. Scot. Neither can
there be any doubt of its being what Ray and Hudfon intended.
The better to diftinguifh this fpecies from others we may
remark that P. vulgaris has an unequal limb, (harp (lender
fpur, and oval capfule: P. alpina a very fhort conical fpur,
and a long roftrated capfule : P. villofa a flender (harp fpur,
and obcordate comprefled capfule, with (hort round leaves.
Its hairy (talk and regular limb agree nearly with P. lufitanica,
but the villofa is the fmaller in all its parts.