; A/3 ' [ i.003 ]
P O A a lp in a .
Alpine Meadow-grafs.
T R IA N U R IA Digynia.
G en. C hak. Cal. of 2 valves, containing many
florets. Spikelet rounded at the bafe. Cor. of
2 ovate, pointed, beardlefs valves.
Spec. Char. Panicle loofe. Spikelets heartthaped^
o f about four flbwers. Glumes ovate, rather
ficklefhaped, not conneded by a web. Lower
ftipulse very fliort.
Sy n . Poa alpina. Linn. Sp. PI. 99. Sm. Fl. Brit. 100.
Lightf. 9 6 .
OuR fpecimens of this truly alpine grafs were gathered on
mountains to the north of Forfar, by Mr. G. Donn and Mr. J.
Mackay. It is perennial, flowering m July or Augult.
The fibres of the root are long, {lender and fmooth. Stems
from 4 to 12 inches high, a little decumbent and rooting at
their bafe; leafy and fometimes branched below; naked,
fmooth and fhining, often purplifh, above. Radical leaves
many, fpreading, flat, ribbed; a little glaucous beneath; rough
at the margin; bluntifh, yet tipped with a fliort point: ftem-
leaves about two, fliort, with very long fmooth {heaths. Lower
flipulre fliort and blunt; upper lanceolate, often torn or divided.
Panicle fpreading, fliort, fomewhat ovate; its branches
angular, generally nearly fmooth. Spikelets ovate, fo broad
as to be almoft cordate, fhining, elegantly variegated with green,
white, and purplifh brown. Calyx-valves nearly equal ovate,
acute, rather falcate, rough at the keel. Florets about four
ovate’ acute, membranous at the edge the lower part of which
is filky, and the keel ftill more fo ; feveral longifh hairs alfo
clothe the bafe of each floret, but the long complicated web,
which connefts the florets of moft Poa;, is wanting. Inner
valve notched, finely fringed.— The flowers in wet feafons are
often changed into buds, without any regular f™aification
W e are now fatisfied that the P. pratenjis & of Hudfon is not
this, but a new Britifh fpecies, delineated in our next plate.