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VERONI C A fpicata.
Spiked Speedwell.
D I A N D R I A Monogynta.
G eneric C har. Cor. inferior, o f one petal, four-
c le ft; lower divifion narrowed:. Capfule two-celled.
Sp e c if . C h ar. Spike terminal. Leaves oppofite,
crenated, obtufe. Stem afcending, undivided.
S y n . Veronica fpicata. Linn. S p .P l. 14 . HudJ. FI. An.
4. With. Bot. Arr. 8. Relh. Cantab. 3,
V . fpicata recta minor. R a il Syn. 279.
"V E R O N lC A fpicata is one of thofe plants which whefever
they grow are found in abundance, and yet are by no means common
in England. It is plentiful on Newmarket Heath, and in
that neighbourhood, on a chalky foil, from whence our fpecimen
was taken. When cultivated it becomes much more luxuriant.
This fpecies is not unfrequent abroad in alpine fituations; and
its bright blue flowers agreeably enliven the barren places where
it generally grows.
The orifice of the tube of the corolla is bearded in this Veronica,
which we do not find remarked in authors. Flora Danica,
plate 52, reprefents no fuch charafter5 but indeed that figure is
fo incorrect, it is impofiible to be certain whether it be V-
fpicata, or one of the fpecies nearly allied to that plant.