V E R O NICA hederifolia.
Ivy-leaved Speedwell.
DIANDRIA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, o f i petal, 4-cleft, wheel-
fhaped ; lower divifion narrowed:. Cap/, a-celled.
Spec. C har. Flowers folitary. Leaves heart-fhaped,
flat, five-lobed. Segments o f the calyx heart-
Ihaped. Seeds cupped.
Syn . Veronica hederifolia. Linn. Sp. P i. ig . Sm. FI.
Brit. 24. Hudf. 7. With. 17. Hull. 5. Relb. 8.
Sibtb. 7. Abbot. 5. Curt. Lond.fafc. 2. t. x.
V. flofculis fingularibus, Hederulae folio, Morfus
gallinse minor di<3 a. Rail Sjyn. 280.
H A T has been faid in the laft page refpedting the place
of growth and the duration of V. agrejlis is exactly applicable
to the prefent plant, its pretty conftant companion. Both alfo
agree in the hollow or cup-like form of their feeds, in which
they totally differ from other Britifh Veronica.
Boot fmall, fibrous. Stems proftrate, unbranched. Leaves
on foot-ftalks various in length, roundifh, five-lobed when perfect,
the central lobe being much the largeft. Flower-ftalks
fpreading, longer than the leaves. Calyx-lobes heart-lhaped,
acute, fringed. Corolla pale blue. Capfule fwelling, with %
large rugged concave feeds in each cell.
The leaves are fometimes more deeply cut than in our fpe-
cimen, in which ftate young botanifts often take this plant
for V. tripbyllos, fee our ift'vol. t. 26. If the feeds beattended
to no miftake can happen.