V E R O N I C A B e cab u ng a .
D I A N D R I A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, o f one petal, 4-cleft, wheel-
fhaped; lower divifion narrowed:. Capf. 2-celled.
Spec. C har. Clutters lateral. Leaves elliptical, flat.
Stem creeping,
Syn . Veronica Becabunga. Linn. Sp. PL 16. Sm.
FI. B rit. ao. Hudf. 5. JFith. 15. Hull. 4.
Relb. 5. Sibtb. 5. Abbot. 3. Curt. Bond. fa fc. 2,
t. 3. VLoodv. Med■ Bot. t. 7.
V . aquatica rotundifolia, Becabunga dicfla, minor.
Rati Syn. 280.
J3r OOKLIME is every-where to be found in ditches and
limpid ftreams, moft commonly the companion of Water
Creffes; with which it is gathered for medical purpofes, and
both together with Scurvy-grafs enter into that naufeous competition
called fpring-juices, fuppofed to be a powerful anti-
Roots perennial, of long Ample fibres. Stems procumbent
or floating, taking root from their joints, branched, round,
leafy, fmooth and fhining, as is every other part of the herb.
Leaves on fhort ftalks, elliptical, blunt, {lightly ferrated, of a
bright green, fomewhat flefhy. Clutters axillary, oppofitey
ere£t, longer than the leaves, compofed of numerous blue flowers,
in perfection about June or July. BraCteae linear-lanceolate^
fhorter than the partial flower-ftalks. Segments of the- calyx
ovate, acute, fhorter than the corolla. Capfule cloven.