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VERONI CA verna.
Vernal Speedwell.
D I AN D R IA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, of one petal, four-cleft;
lower divifion narroweft. Capfule two-celled.
Spec. Char. Flowers folitary. Leaves with fingered
divifions, longer than the flower (talks, which are
fiiorfer than the calyx.
S y n . Veronica verna. Linn. Sp. PI. 19. Hudf.Fl. An. 8.
With. Bot. Arr. 15. Roje's Bot. ( Appendix) 444.
t. z . f . 1.
F i r s t found by the late Sir John Cullum, Bart, in dry
fandy fields about Bury in Suffolk, and not yet difcovered in
any other part of England that we know of. It is an annual,
flowering in April and May. From its near refemblance at firft
fight, efpecially when luxuriant, to Veronica arvenfis, it may
perhaps have been overlooked for that plant. They are however
perfectly diftinft.
If Morifon’s figure, fe&. 3. t. 24. f. 21. be intended
for Veronica verna, as Dr. Stokes fufpedts, it is a very inaccurate
reprefentation of the plant.