A L O P E C U R U S p r a t e n f i s .
Meadow F ox-tail-grafs.
T R I Ä N D R I A Di'gynia.
G en. Char. Cal. of 2 valves, containing a fingle
floret. Cor. of 1 valve.
Spec. Char. Stem ere<St, fmooth. Spike fomewhat
lobed. Glumes o f the calyx hairy, united at
their bafe.
S y n . A lo p e cu ru s pratenfis. Linn. Sp. PI. 88. Sm.
FL Brit. 72. Hudf. 2 7 . With. 1 19 . Hull. 16.
Relb. 24. Sibtb. 34. Abbot. 12. Curt.Lond.fafc. 5.
t. 5. Mart. Fl. Ruß. t. 6.
Gramen Alopecuro fimile glabrum, cum pilis longi-
ufculis in fpicä. Rail Syn. 396.
A V E R Y common and extremely valuable grafs in rather
moift and fertile (but neither very wet nor very dry) paftures
and meadows, flowering in M a y ; for whofe properties and
advantages we muft refer our readers to the Flora Londinenßs,
contenting ourfelves with fumming up the whole in the words'
of Prof. Martyn, “ It undoubtedly poflefles the three great re-
“ quifites of quantity, quality and earlinefs, in a fuperior degree
“ to any other.”
To diftinguifh this grafs at firft fight by its oblong, cylindrical,
thick, fomewhat filky and grayifh fpikes is not very difficult.
It may with botanical certainty be known by the lanceolate
(not abrupt) calyx, containing only one flower, whofe
corolla confifts of a fingle glume or hulk, the character of the
genus. Its fmooth Item, fliort ftipulae, and the filky down
which clothes the glumes, added to its much thicker fomewhat
compound fpike and perennial root, diftinguifh it from
A . agreftis,'the only fpecies befides that has the glumes of the
calyx united at their bale..
I have fometimes feen a kind of Mufca flicking in confiderable
numbers to the fpikes of this grafs, quite dead, but recent, and
apparently poifoned, or killed by fome fudden caufe, without any
derangement of its form or pofition. This was firft I believe
noticed by my intelligent entomological friend Mr. Marfham.