[ 2476 ]
t 'RAXINUS heterophyliêu
Simple-leaved Ash.
DIANDRIA Monogytiia.
G en. C har. C a ly x none, or in 4 deep segments. Cor.
none, ör in 4 deep segments. Capsule superior
of 2 cells, leaf-like and compressed at the summit.
Seeds solitary, pendulous. Some flowers only female.
S pe c . C h a r . Leaves both simple and compound, with
töoth-like serratures.
Syn. Fraxinus heterophylla. V ahl. Enum. v . 1. 53.
F. simplicifolia. W illd . B e r l. Baumts. 121. t. 3.ƒ . 3.
F. excelsior, vat. 2. W ith. 57* var. 3. H u ll. ed. 2.
3 0 8 . ......
I N conformity to the wishes of our friends, father than to out
own judgement, wé herè exhibit, from a cultivated tree, the
Simple-leaved Ash, which is, as wë are credibly informed,
found wild in different parts of England; nor do we doubt this,
though we have nëver met with it; Lamarck, Willdenow, and
Vahl have noticed this tree, which differs from the Common Ash,
t. 1692, in having most of its leaves, not quite all of them^
simple, ovato-lanceolate, strongly but uiiéqually serrated, four or
five inches long, and supported by long drooping footstalks;
Other leaves are three-lobed of ternate, according to Mf. Aiton
in Hort. Kew. ed. 1. v. 3 . 445 ; some are said by Lamarck to
be pinnate, of five leaflets. Still we allow this is but a slight
approach to the foliage of the Common Ash; The seed is observed
in the plant before us to be’ short and elliptical; but that
may be a consequence of weakness, or imperfect impregnation.
All that we know of the matter is here submitted to the consideration
of English botanists.