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T R I T I C U M repenSi
Creeping Wheat-grafs.
Gen. Char. Cal. of2 valves, folitary, many-fiovt'ßrecfy
upon a zigzag toothed rachis.
Spec. Char. Calyx awl-fhaped* many-nervedy five-
flowered; Florets fharp-pointed. Leaves flat.
Root creeping;
Syn. Triticum repens. Linm Sp. PI. 128. Sm. FI.
Brit. 158. Hudf.57. With. 173. Hull. 28. Relh,$$.
Sibth. 52. Abbot. 27. Mart. Fl. Ruß. t. 124.
Gramen fpieâ triticeâ repens vulgare* caninum
di&um. Raii Syn. 390.
'Tt L H IS very troublefome and pernicious weed is but too Well
known to gardeners by the name of Couch, Quick, or Dog-
grafs. It thrives in all kinds of cultivated ground, flowering
from June to September, and infinuating its long creeping perennial
roots fo deeply into the earth as to be with great difficulty
extirpated; for a very fmall piece of the root left behind,
loon fprouts forth into a freffi crop. The fibres moreover are
downy, which feems a provifion of Nature for the peculiar
benefit of fuch grafles as are favoured with it, being found in
mo ft that occupy very dry or barren fituations.
The ftems are flender, upright, 2-feet high. Leaves linear,
flat, fpreading, often all directed to one fide, which gives the
grafs a pi&urefque and Indian-like afpeft. Sheaths tight,
ribbed, fmooth, crowned with a Ihort ftipula. The fpike- or
ear is 2 or 3 inches long, flat, compofed of numerous fpikelets,
all whofe glumes are fharp-pointed, and often more or lefs
bearded. Sometimes the common zigzag ftalk is hairy.—
A glaucous variety, common on the coaft, is often miftaken
for T. junceum, fee our t. 814, and was'the Elymus arenarius
of Mr. Hudfan’s ift edition.
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