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C R O C U S autumnalis.
Saffron, or Autumnal Crocus.
G en. C har. Cor. in 6 divifions, regular. Stigmas
convoluted. 6
Spec. C har. S h e a th o f o n e leaf, rad ica l. T u b e o f
th e co ro lla v e ry lo n g . S t igm a in th re e deep line a r
d ivnion s h a n g in g o u t o f th e flow e r .
S Y N ' *vC r r S fativL^ Limu SP- P l- S°- Hudf.
: An- : 3- l ^ t . A r , 3 7 . Relb. Cant.
*5- JVoodv. Med. Rot. t. 1 7 6 .
C . officinalis. Mart. F l. Ruß. t. 58.
C ro cu s . Rati Syn. 3 7 4 . Ger. em. 151 .
O A F FR O N has_ very little right, as Profeffor Martyn ob
f c h “ I I S T f “ ' f i ri0, " ' hl,ing b" "
W W U U ^ Eu,r° pe for culture as a medicinal plant
We fliould fcarcely indeed have folbwcd the example of our
the R e f^M ^W o 3!!11” ^ ’^ 6^ t the Kev. Mr Wood, who found it a1b°o0utt fH° ra ltihfaex , Vanedr oi tfy M ori
Whately, who obferved it near Derby, according to Dr. Win
W n-S' f?Mlmen came from Saffron Walden, the only
place in which this article of the materia medica is now pro-
FFllnorraa Rufti3c aC ainndi SMegdricnadl ' BoSteaCn ya. fuli acCount of it in Che
Root a depreffed bulb. Leaves all radical, inverted with
membranous (heaths, from which they emerge but little before
the flowers fade; they are linear, dark grem above whh a
white longitudinal furrow ; pale beneath, with a very promi
nent but fattened mid rib; their margins (lightly revolilte
Flowers feffile at the root, though with fo long a Cylindrical
j S f Peem] pedunculated; the limb in 6 dliptical, con-
riCn‘ pUrp eA regU’,ar fegments. Stamina (hotter than
the corolla, ereft. Style about equal to the corolla
but hanging out on one fide between 2 of its fegments’
being deeply cloven into three deep-orange linear fligmas’
(which are the Saffron itfelf), their edges rolled in, their C !
mits n otched.-R flowers in Auguft or September. A kind
of tap-root frequently grows from the bulb, which is confin
e d by the cultivators as a difeafe.