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SCHOENUS nigricans^
Black Bog-rufli.
TIlIANDRIA Monogymä.
G en. C har. Glumes chaffy, d i f f e r e d ; the outer
ones barren. Cor. none. Seed i , roundifh, among
the glumes.
S pec. C har. Stem round, naked. Head of flowers
ovate. Involucrum o f two leaves, o f which the
longed; is awl-thaped.
Sy n . Schoenus nigricans. Linn. Sp. PI. 64. Sm.Fl.
B rit. 43. Iludf. 15. With. 80! Hull. 12.
Relh. ig . Stbth. 22. Abbot, g. Dickf. H. Sice,
fa ß . 1 . i |
Cyperus nigricans. With. 78. Hull. 12.
Juncus Isevis minor, paniculä glomeratä nigricante.
Raii Syn. 430.
"*■ j y T unfrequent 011 turfy bogs, where it flowers in June,
and is perennial.
The roots confift of long ftrong black fibres. The Item is
from 8 to 12 inches high, ere&, Ample, round, naked and
fmooth. Leaves ere£t, very narrow, acute; round on the under
fide, flat above; their bafe dilated and embracing the Item.
Head of flowers terminal, ere£t, compofed of feveral fpikelets
of imbricated florets, and fubtended by an involucrum o f two
upright leaves, very much dilated into a brown concave membrane
at their bafe, both of them in fa£t awl-flhaped, but one
only rifes above the flowers. Each glume is keeled, dark
brown, deftitute of nerves, and more or lefs (harp-pointed.
Stamina three. Stigma, as far as we have feen, three-cleft;
but that circumftance being variable in fome neighbouring
fpecies, we dare not found upon it any chara&er of diftinftion
between this and S. rufus. The germen is furrounded by a
few narrow fcales. Seed roundifh with 3 angles, white and
polifhed, as Ehrhart and Mr. L . Wigg have remarked. W e
are obliged^ to the latter for hinting (what indeed we had already
difcovered in inveftigating the Greek plants) the great importance
of the feed in aiftinguifliing fpecies in this tribe.