yy / [ 1072 ]
P O A t r iv ia l i s .
R oug hi/k M ea d ow -g ra fs.
TR1ANDRIA Digynia.
G e n . C h ar . Cal. of a valves, containing many florets.
Spikelet rounded at the bafe. Cor. of 2 ovate,
pointed, beardlefs valves.
S pe c. C har. Panicle fpreading. Spikelets of three
flowers. Glumes lanceolate, five-nerved, connected
by a web. Stipula elongated.
Syn . Poa trivialis. Linn. Sp. PI. 99. Sm. FI. Brit.
103. Hudf. 39. With. 143. Hull. 22. Relh. 33.
Sibth. 41. Abbot. 17. Curt. Lond. fafc. 2. t. 6.
Gramen pratenfe paniculatum medium. RaiiSjn.^og.
I f in a general botanical work like this we cannot always
charm the eye with fplendid objects, the elucidation of curious
or ufeful truths will furely not he lefs acceptable. The two
grafies figured in this plate and the following are among the
moft common, but the moft ufeful; and though they differ
in effential properties, botanifts have fcarcely, till lately, known
how to diftinguifh them.
P . trivialis grows every where in meadows and paftures,
preferring fuch as are moift, and flowering from June to September.
Its perennial fibrous root forms tufts. The ftems
are generally a foot and half high, leafy, ereCt, roughifh to
the touch, often taking root at their bafe. Leaves a little
fpreading, flaccid, roughifli underneath and at the edge, with
{heaths about their own length, crowned with an oblong
pointed ftipula, by which this is diftinguifhed from the following
in every ftate of growth. The panicle is large and fpreading
when in flower. Each calyx generally contains 3 florets,
whofe glumes have five ftrong ribs or nerves; a character which
diftinguiflies this, P . pratenjis and P. annua, from alpina,fub-
cterulea, bulbofa and fome neighbouring fpecies. The florets
are connected by a confpicuous web.