tcU [ S>85 ]
White-headed Bog-rußi.
TRIANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen. C har. Glumes chaffy, cluttered; the outer ones
barren. Cor. none. Seed i, roundifh, among the
Spe c. Char. Stem triangular,leafy. Flowers cluttered.
Leaves briftle-fhaped. Seed with ten bridles at
the bafe.
S yn . Schoenus albus. Linn. Sp. PI. 65. Sm. Fl.
Brit. 46. Hudf. lb . With. 81. Hull. 12.
Relh. 17. Abbot. xo. Dick/. H. Sicc.fafc. 1. 2.
Cyperus minor paluflris hirfutus, paniculis albis pa-
leaceis. Rati Syn. 427.
T h i s pretty Schoenus is found on turfy bogs, but is rare
except in mountainous countries. Mr. Borrer fent it from
Sufiex. It flowers in July or Auguff, and is perennial.
Whole plant fmootb, as Dillenius properly remarks under
the above faulty fynonym by which it is diftinguilhed in his
edition of Ray. Stem from 6 to T2 inches high, ere&, leafy,
triangular. Leaves fetaceous, with a tubular theathing bafe.
Flowers in fmall, terminal or axillary, ftalked clutters. Glumes
white, with a tinge of reddith brown, polithed, oblong, concave,
acute, llightly keeled. Seed triangular, furrounded with
10 rough briftles about its own length, and crowned by the
cloven ftyle which extends but little above the glumes.
A fimilar plant with brown glumes is occafionally found,
which has always been taken for S.fufcus of Linnaeus; whofe
own fpecimen having alfo a triangular Item, convinced me the
two fpecies ought to be united. Mr. Turner however has
pointed out a remark in Ehrhart’s Beiträge, fa ß . 4. 155, that
S. fufcus has only 3 briftles to the feed, and a ftyle twice as
long as the glumes. It remains to be examined whether we
really have this in Britain. The fame excellent obferver firft
found only 2 ftamina in S. alius. He has moreover in the
fame book, f . 48, anticipated my remarks on the fruit o f S. ma-
rif 'cus, t. 950.