9 [ 1855 ]
C H A R À translucens,
Great Transparent Chara,
MONANDRIA Monogynia.
G en. Ghar. Cal. none. Cor. none. Anthera tessellated.
Style none. Berry with many seeds.
Spec. C har. Smooth, transparent, without prickles,
Leaves cylindrical, obtuse with a small point, all
simple, with transverse internal partitions.
Syn. Chara translucens major flexilis. V aill, in Mem.
de VAcad, des Sciences fo r 1119, f . 8.
D r i e d specimens of this plant were sent us some years ago,
from pools near Shrewsbury, by the Rev. Mr. Williams, as,
mentioned in v. 15. p. 1070. W e received fresh ones last
June, discovered by Mr. W . J. Hooker, at Browston, Suffolk,
near Yarmouth; and these have removed all our doubts as to
its being a new species, quite distinct from C. flexilis, t. 1070,
as well as from C. nidifica, t. 1703.
It is a larger plant than either of those, very clear and transparent.
The leaves all simple, thicker and shorter than those of
the latter, obtuse, eaph tipped with a small pale point. When
dried, and held against the light, they are found to be furnished
here and there with transverse, often oblique, internal partitions,
which Yaillant gives as a distinguishing character of
the plant, though his figure (in the German edition at least,
which is all we have w'ithin our reach,) represents these partitions
more abundantly and strongly than we find them. The
anthera is sessile, and soon falls off. Germens one or two
adjacent to it. Root of many fine white branched knotty
fibres. The uppermost branches of the stem, which bear the
fructification, are peculiarly tumid.
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