SCI R P US fluitans.
Floating Club-ruß.
T R I A N D R 1A Monogynia.
G en. C har. Glumes chaffy, imbricated every way, all
fertile. Cor. none. Seed i , beardlefs.
Spec. C har. Klowcr-flalks round, naked, alternate.
Stem leafy, flaccid.
Syn . Scirpus fluitans, Linn. Sp. PI. 71.. HudJ. FI.
yin. 18. With. Bot.Arr. 48. Sikh. Ox on. 23.
Sc. Equifeti capitulo minori. Rail Syn. 431.
T h i s ocqufs in ditches, and in little pools upon grafly commons
and heaths, the water of which is apt to be dried up in
fummer, but is by no means a common fpecies. It may be
found on St. Faith’s bogs near Norwich, onHounflow Heath,
and Epping Foreft, flowering in June and July.
The root is perennial, and the Items throw out many long
radicles as they ftretch in a floating pofition many together
over the furface of the water. The leaves are alternate,
fheathing at their bafe, and then much divaricated, partly
floating, partly above the water. The fpikes ftand eredt above
the furface, and, though fmall, are confpicuous by their number
and whitifh colour. Each confifts of but few flowers, whofe
glumes are not much fhorter than the ftamina, and the two
lowermoft are particularly large, fo as to appear like bradtex ;
but they have always parts of frudbfication belonging to them.
The ftigmata are only two in number.