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F E S T U C A calamaria.
Reed-like Fefcue-grafs.
G en. Char. Cal. o f 2 valves. Spikelet oblong,
fomewhat cylindrical, two-ranked, with fharp
pointed glumes.
Spec. Char. Panicle pointing one way, eredt, much
branched. Florets oblong, angular, beardlefs.
Leaves fword -fhaped, ftriated.
Syn. Feftuca calamaria. Sm. FI. Brit. 111.
Poa trinervata. Schrad. Spicil. 3. Wilden. Sp. PI,
v . 1. 389. '
N A TIV E of moift rather alpine woods. Our fpecimens
were communicated by Mr. G. Donn of Forfar, who informs
us that he has known this grafs for 12 years paft, having
found it in Dumbartonlhire and Breadalbane, alfo near Fort
Auguftus. W e firft received it from Mr. Mackay, fee FI.
Brit. It is not, however, peculiar to Scotland. The Rev.
Mr. Butt has found it in a wood near Newtown Barry, Ireland;
and Mr. Mofeley of Glalhampton favoured us lately with living
plants from the ledges of a lofty red fand-ftone rock in Shrawley
wood, near his refidence. Of fo new and rare a plant we
would not omit to mention all its known fiations.
It flowers in July, and Is perennial. Root fibrous; forming
large tufts. Stems ere£t, a yard high or more, reed-like,
Tound, fmooth, leafy, with purplifli joints. Leaves upright,
broad, flat, long-pointed, ftriated, rougheft at the edge, with
Iheaths about their own length, roughilh but not hairy.
Stipula (hort, notched. Panicle much-branched, very various
in denfity according to its meeting with more or lefs Ihelter.
Spikelets fmall, often tinged with purple or brown, roughifli
under a microfcope. Calyx narrow and pointed. Florets 3,
4 or 5, linear-oblong, a little diftant; tbeir outer valve largeft
and keeled ; their inner with 2 ribs often folded together fo as
to look like a Ample keel, which gives them a peculiar appearance,
and has caufed fome inaccuracy in the defcription
in FI. Brit, which it is our duty to point out.