S C I R P U S carinatus.
Blunt-edged Club-rush.
TRIANBR1A Monogynia.
G en. C h ar . Glumes chaffy, imbricated every way,
all fertile. Cor. none. Seed 1.
Spec. Ch ar. Stem bluntly triangular upwards, naked;
round at the base. Panicle cymose, terminal. Brac-
tea upright, pungent, channelled. Stigmas two.
Syn. Scirpus lacustris y . Sm. FI. Brit. 32. Huds. 19.
With. 15. Hull. 13.
Juncus aquaticus medius, caule carinato. Dill, in Raii
Syn. 428.
Doody’s furrowed Bull-rush. Pet. Cone. Gram. n. 199.
(xA TH E R E D in the Thames below Battersea bridge. Mr.
Edward Forster found it above Westminster bridge, and we
are obliged'to him for pointing it out as distinct from the
Common Bull-rush, t. 666, as well as for verifying the above
synonyms by Buddie’s Herbarium.
In its root, general habit, and aspect, as well as in the
round base of its stem, it agrees with S. lacustris, t. 666, but
differs in having the stem bluntly triangular, with rather convex
sides, in its upper part, even below the middle, as well as
in having a strong, erect, pungent, concave, leaf-like brac-
tea, approaching to the nature o f the extended point of the
stem of S. triqueter, t. 1694, to which latter species this is
most nearly allied, belonging to the same section of its genus,
and having likewise but 2 stigmas, while lacustris has 3.
S. triqueter is acutely triangular to the very base o f its stem,
and its panicle commonly much smaller and more simple than
in the plant before us.