S C I R P U S pauciflorusi
Chocolate-headed Club-rujk.
TRIANDRIA Monogynia.
G e n. C h a r . Glumes chaffy, •imbricated every way*
all fertile. Cor. none. Seed I.
S pec. C h ar. Stem round, fheathed at the bafe.
Spike terminal, o f few flowers, longer than its
outer glumes.
S y n . Scirpus paucifloruS. Lightf. 1078. Sm. F l.
Brit. 50. Hudfi 648. With. 74. Bull. 13.
Sihth. 33.
S. Baeothryon. Ehrh. Phyt. 31 . Linn. Suppl. 103.
' T
_L H E Scirpus here reprefented, though found on moors
and heaths in Scotland and even Norfolk, as well as in various
parts of the continent, and now fufficiently well known and
underftood, was overlooked by Ray, Dillenius, Linnaeus and
Hudfon ; for the latter merely adopted it from the F l. Scotica.
Our fpecimens were gathered near Yarmouth by Mr. D. Turner,
flowering in Auguft.
The roots are perennial, formed of black or reddifh fibres.
Stems erect, fimpie, naked, flender, round, rigid, fmooth, lefs
crowded than thofe of S. czefpitofus, t. 1029, and deftitute of
the numerous imbricated fcales at their bafe, that part being
only clofely enfolded by an entire, abrupt, pointlefs fheath.
Leaves fheathing at their bafe, narrow, bluntifh, fmooth,
fomewhat concave above, generally fhorter than the flem.
Spike ereCt, fimpie, fmaller and blacker than that of S. crefpi-
tofus, formed of about 4 flowers, the glumes of which are
nearly equal in fize, the 2 lowermoft not rifing fo high as the
top of the fpike. Stigma three-cleft. Germen angular, fur-
rounded by feveral rough fimpie briftles, which remain inveft-
ing the feed, which is triangular, fwelling in the middle, contracted
below the top.
W e have received this plant from Dr. Roth as the S. cam*
pejlris of his excellent Flora Germanica,