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V ERONI C A montana.
Mountain Speedwell.
D 1ANDRIA Monogynia.
G en. C har. Cor. inferior, o f i petal, 4-cleft, wheel-
fhaped ; lower divifion narrowed:. Capf. 2-celled.
S pec. C har. Clutters lateral, elongated, flender, of
few flowers. Leaves ovate, ferrated, on foot-ftalks.
Stem hairy in every direflion.
S y n . Veronica montana. Linn. Sp. PL 17. Sm. FI.
B rit, a i , Hudf. 6. With. 16. Hull. 5. Relh. 7.
Sibth. 6. Abbot. 4. Curt. Lond.fajc. 4. t. 2.
V. chamaedryoides, foliis pediculis oblongis infidenti-
bus. Rail Syn, 281.
M R . S O W E R B Y gathered this fpecimen in Charlton
wood, where Sherard is firft recorded to have found the
V . montana, and where it ftill grows copioufly. Nor is it
very rare in other parts of England, in fhady and rather moift
woods, particularly on a chalky foil, flowering in May and
June. The root is perennial.
Many botanifts have thought this merely a variety of
V . Chamadrys, fee our t. 623 but fuch an idea can have
arifen, as Mr. Curtis obferves, only from a very fuperficial
inquiry. In the firft place, the hairinefs of the Item being
general, and not confined to two longitudinal lines, is its very
fufficient diftinftion; to this may be added the ftalked leaves»
which are thinner and more finning than thofe of the Chamce-
drys; the corolla is much fmaller and lefs beautiful; laftly, the
capfule is thrice as large as in that fpecies, more comprefled and
dilated, and formed as it were of two orbicular portions joined
together, inftead of being heart-fhaped,
PttU/j/ta) ly f t Jcw/'fjr J;